Monday, 30 April 2007

Moon Day

Genealogy – Received two death certificates at the weekend, both were spot on. The first was for 3rd great-grandfather John Burton. He died of old age in 1871 aged 96, another long-lived ancestor. The other was for his son, Henry Burton, who I found in Winchester hospital in in the 1841 census. It turned out that he died in hospital in 1847 of ucleration of the small intestine. The Burton line web pages need to be regenerated and published as there’s lots of new details.

Social – Is it me or are most of the snooker games dragging on at the moment? O’Sullivan and Carter seem to be the only ones making an effort, the rest are bogged down in either excessive safety play or poor potting accuracy. Let’s hope the games get a bit more exciting.

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Dodgy prawns

Social – Quick report back on Friday night and the bands we watched at Fibbers. Ben Leftwich (he of The Nicoles) was pretty good. The guitar sounded a bit weedy on its own. Hijak Oscar were not as I remembered them. We first saw them in an acoustic set when Odin’s Dragonfly were headlining. This time was much more chaotic and the guitar noise was too minimal. So, a bit disappointing. The Alpha Wave were fronted by a very tall man in a hat. He sang a bit like an Aladdin-era Bowie. The songs were OK, but not fantastic. By the time they had taken to the stage, we were ready for a second pint, except my stomach was flipping a bit and I chickened into a J2O. Just as well. By the time we staggered into the night air, my guts were dancing to the tune of a dodgy sweet and sour king prawn that I accidentally scoffed at tea-time. I had to excuse myself and cut the evening short. Sorry Andy!

Thursday, 26 April 2007

First post

Well here we go, my first attempt at a blog. Let's hope I can keep the momentum up!

Genealogy - I’m still working on the Burtons of Winchester. Having assembled the parish record information I am now constructing the census records to support each family group. I’m putting the data into Legacy at the same time as I amend my book. Bex has sent me an e-mail about the Bottomley-Skeet family which I will investigate later.

Social - Off out on Friday to Fibbers to see a few bands: The Alpha Wave, Hijak Oscar and the lead singer from The Nicoles (I forget his name). Chancing our arm a bit but afterwards we will probably continue on to The Old White Swan for Hazzard County, guaranteed to be good music there. Apparently Nine Black Alps are coming to Fibs on 15 May and the Ray Wilson Band on 10 May so Friday will be a good time to pick up tickets.